Karlskrona test online

How agile are you? A test to find out where "on the road" from waterfall to agile your software development team is at the moment. The test result shows where your team stands right now. Team (optional):

Please select ONE answer per question, use the possibility that fits best.

1. Do you regularly deliver fully working software (documented and tested)?

2. How long are these delivery iterations?

3. How much is documented before start of implementation?

4. How often do you adjust or improve your way of working?

5. Is there a collection of items and features describing the product?

6. Do you know someone who is responsible for the product?

7. How is the team's work planned?

8. How good is the cooperation across team borders?

9. How do teams track their work?

10. Do you know if your team efficiency improves over time?

11. Is the team disrupted from work?