Discover what is often unnecessary at work. Waste is everything you could remove from a system to get the same or better result. This document was developed in 2011 with companies in Sweden and shows a categorisation of wastes in software and hardware development. It should help you finding unproductive things, plus…
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Entdecke was bei der Arbeit oft unnötig ist. Abfall ist alles, was man aus einem System entfernen kann um dasselbe oder ein besseres Ergebnis zu erhalten. Dieses Dokument wurde 2011 mit Firmen in Schweden entwickelt und zeigt eine Kategorisierung von Abfällen in der Software- und Hardwareentwicklung. Es soll helfen,…
Ha kul med samarbete och gör vad som är viktigt. Låt oss bygga företag runt motiverade människor. Detta dokument är en samling av citat om glädje på jobbet. Människor bryr sig mer om sitt arbete, om de tycker om vad de gör och har en känsla av tillhörighet. Det här är inte bara bra för dig själv, det påverkar också…
Enjoy working together and do what matters. Let's build companies around motivated individuals. This document is a collection of quotes about joy at work. People care more about their work, if they enjoy what they do and have a sense of belonging. This is not only good for yourself, it also affects the people around…
See where your organisation stands at the moment. This test was developed in 2008-2009 with companies in Sweden and Germany, mostly embedded software development companies. Use this self-assessment to see how far an agile adoption came and to monitor progress over time. It's too easy to claim "we are agile". Take a…